AASLD-TASL Hepatology Connect Meeting 2023
28 Nisan - 29 Nisan 2023
Ankara, Türkiye
Sheraton Otel
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the Turkish Association for the Study of the Liver (TASL) announce our fourth joint AASLD-TASL Hepatology CONNECT conference. Our two societies are closely aligned in our devotion to patient care, research and training in hepatology.
As we continue to learn to innovate our program overcoming challenges of the pandemic, we are returning to in-person format this year. Built on our prior experiences, the program is designed to deliver practical updates based on state-of-the-art science in hepatology. One of the strengths of the program is our emphasis on collaborative, interactive experience for our attendees to promote professional growth as members of TASL and AASLD communities. As with prior years, we offer attendees of our AASLD-TASL Hepatology CONNECT program to also register (at no additional cost) for The Liver Meeting 2022 in person or on-line.
By attending both meetings, participants will learn about the latest liver disease research being presented at The Liver Meeting. This is then followed by the Hepatology CONNECT, where the new information is crystalized by debrief discussions and applied in case-based discussions and debate sessions. This year’s program addresses major liver diseases including viral hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, fatty liver, alcohol-associated liver disease, cirrhosis and liver transplantation. The opportunity to interact with the AASLD faculty and with local and regional experts in the science and practice of hepatology will make this a must-attend combination of events for the audience from Türkiye and the surrounding region.
We would be grateful to partner with organizations and sponsors that share our vision of collaboration and exchange. Your support of this meeting is vital so that we can provide attendees with the highest quality meeting experience. It is particularly important under the current international and economic circumstances that challenge scientific and educational programs like this. AASLD and TASL stand together that it is our calling and mission to provide the best care to our patients with liver disease and alleviate their suffering no matter the difficulty.
As you may have experienced in our prior programs, our partnership is mutually beneficial. There will be opportunities for satellite symposia, exhibition space, and in-person interactions that have been held back for long during the pandemic. Our CONNECT programs have attracted hundreds of attendees from Türkiye and all over the region.
On behalf of AASLD and TASL, we would like to thank you in advance for your participation. Your generosity directly allows us to carry out our mission to prevent and ultimately cure liver disease in Türkiye and the world over.
W. Ray Kim, M.D.
President Elect 2024,
AASLD-TASL Connect Co-organizerZeki Karasu, M.D.
AASLD-TASL Connect Co-organizerRamazan Idilman, M.D.
AASLD-TASL Connect Co-organizerFulya Günşar, M.D.
TASL President
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