2. Southeast European Congress of Emergency and Disaster Medicine
20 Haziran - 22 Haziran 2019
İstanbul, Türkiye
Naval Museum
Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to announce you that 2nd Southeast European Congress of Emergency and Disaster Medicine will be held between 20 - 22 June 2019 in Naval Museum, Istanbul. We are very excited and enthusiastic to organize this meeting in Istanbul which is the only city in the world built on two continents.
We aim is not only to follow most recent scientific developments and share the outcomes of experiences with the latest innovations but also meet with friends and welcome them with the spirit of Turkish hospitality.
I believe all participants will benefit from the scientific program of the “2nd Southeast European Congress of Emergency and Disaster Medicine” and enjoy the most beautiful colors of the summer in Istanbul.
We are looking forward to welcoming you
Prof. Başar Cander
President of Emergency Medicine Physician Association of Turkey (EPAT) and Congress ChairmanProf. Dr. Ersin Aksay
President of Emergency Medicine Association of Turkey (EMAT) and Congress Chairman
2019 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 25. Acil Tıp Veleye Siirt Güz Sempozyumu
01 Ekim - 02 Ekim 2019, Siirt - 21. Ulusal ve 4. Uluslararası Biyoistatistik Kongresi
26 Ekim - 29 Ekim 2019, Antalya - 2. Ulusal Denizli Aile Hekimliği Kongresi
07 Mart - 10 Mart 2019, Denizli - Türk Üroloji Akademisi 5. Karadeniz Üroloji Sempozyumu
07 Eylül 2019, Trabzon - Kronik Enflamasyon ve Oksidatif Stres Mitokondriyal Tıp Kongresi
10 Ekim - 13 Ekim 2019, İzmir

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