7. World Conference on Research Integrity-WCRI 2022

29 May - 01 June 2022

Cape Town, South Africa
The Co-chairs, Local Organising Committee and Programme Committee of the 7th World Conference on Research Integrity are looking forward to welcoming you to Cape Town in 2022!

The theme of the conference is ‘Fostering Research Integrity in an Unequal World’.

We are confident that the 7th WCRI will be interesting and relevant to Research Integrity stakeholders across all disciplinary fields from the basic and applied natural and biomedical sciences to the humanities and social sciences. Important RI stakeholders include researchers, institutional leaders, national and international policy makers, funders and journals.

This will be the first time this conference will be held in Africa and hence we are really hoping that many African colleagues will avail themselves of the opportunity to attend this conference and network with colleagues from around the globe.

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