International Molecular Medicine Symposium by the Bosphorus
16 Mayıs - 18 Mayıs 2019
Beşiktaş, İstanbul, Türkiye
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi
Dear Colleagues and Dear Students,
I am pleased to invite you on behalf of the Scientific Committee and the members of the Editorial Committee, to attend the “International Molecular Medicine Symposium by the Bosphorus”. The symposium will take place in İstanbul on 16-18 May 2019 and be hosted by Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Medicine. The event will be preceded by Workshops on “cell culture, tissue engineering methods and molecular assays” on 16th of May hosted by eminent scientists in the field. You are also kindly invited to participate in this workshop. The workshop attendance will be formalized with participation certificate.
The speakers and participants of the symposium consist of recognized scientists, successful academicians, reputed medical doctors, medical students, molecular biology students, biotechnology company representatives and experts in medical ethics. The sessions will take place on 17th and 18th of May in Bahçeşehir University, Beşiktaş South Campus. In this regard, we sincerely welcome you to participate at our conference as a speaker. The abstracts will be evaluated for poster and oral presentations. Some of the selected abstracts will be awarded with the opportunity of being published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series SpringerNature.
For details about the conference programme and other information on the event, please visit the symposium website.
Best Regards,
Ozge Sezin SOMUNCU, PhD
Scientific Board Chairman
2019 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
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30 Mayıs - 31 Mayıs 2019, İstanbul - 4. Erişkin Aşı Sempozyumu
26 Nisan 2019, İzmir - 1. Uluslararası Katılımlı Anestezi Teknikerleri Sempozyumu
29 Kasım - 01 Aralık 2019, İstanbul

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