4. International Engineering and Natural Sciences Conference-IENSC 2019
06 Kasım - 09 Kasım 2019
Diyarbakır, Türkiye
Dear Colleagues,
International Engineering, Science and Education Conference (INESEC), now in its 4th edition, has established itself as an influential and recognized international event where the community of specialists discusses the progress achieved and the future developments in technologies, analysis, design, practical applications and teaching in the field of engineering, natural, health, sciences. Started in 2016, INESEC is now established as a regular annual event. INESEC 2019 consist of two main conferences. One of these conferences is the 4th International Engineering and Natural Sciences Conference (IENSC 2019). On behalf of INESEG and Dicle University and Dicle University Engineering Faculty, we are pleased to invite you to participate in The International Engineering and Natural Sciences Conference 2019 (IENSC 2019) that will be held at Diyarbakir, Turkey, on November 06-08, 2019.
As Turkey has declared 2019 The Year of Gobeklitepe, a cultural program including a tour to Gobeklitepe and other ancient regions will be arranged for participants besides Diyarbakır city tours.
2019 Mühendislik Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 1. International Congress on Biosystems Engineering-ICOBEN2019
24 Eylül - 27 Eylül 2019, Hatay - International Congress on Wool and Luxury Fibres-ICONWOOLF 2019
19 Nisan 2019, Tekirdağ - 24. Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium-BIOMED 2019
17 Ekim - 20 Ekim 2019, İzmir - International Symposium on Boron-BORON 2019
17 Nisan - 19 Nisan 2019, Nevşehir - International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics-ISAG 2019
07 Kasım - 09 Kasım 2019, İstanbul

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